Food, water, and shelter: the three most important and unappreciated things. Many of us grew up without considering others who are unable to access clean water, sufficient food, or a roof above their heads. This is the situation in Yemen, a country in the Arabian Peninsula that has been in a civil war since 2015. As a result of the unfortunate conflict, the civilians in Yemen are suffering from a major humanitarian crisis; Yemenis are fighting off cholera, COVID-19, famine, and war simultaneously while the rest of the world turns a blind eye. If Yemen continues to suffer to this extent, it will vanish from maps all over the world, and children—who are dying every 10 minutes—will no longer have a hopeful future for them to succeed and survive in.
It is time that people understand and realize their privileges, as well as the importance and strength of unity. If we all come together to help solve this crisis, the citizens of Yemen will be able to slowly recover from famine and the cholera epidemic, for which there is already a cure. We must think of humanity as a whole, where if one group suffers, we all do, or else situations like Yemen will continue to occur globally.
Through education and donations, the rest of the world can help each other understand and be aware of the current issue in Yemen. Those who are able to, can donate money to organizations such as Save the Children, Project Hope, Yemen Foundation, and UN Refugees, that help aid Yemenis with food, medicine, necessities for babies, etc. The lives of the civilians in Yemen are in our hands.
