Thrift shopping is a great way to help save the environment because it is a more resourceful alternative to shopping fast fashion. What drives some people away from thrift shopping may be that it’s hard to find some good pieces that they’re looking for, but there are some ways to make it easier. Right now in the midst of a pandemic, it may not be safe to go out and thrift shop yourself but online thrift stores are here to the rescue!
I got these thrift shop recs from a youtuber named Sidney Lavin. She has made videos exploring different online thrift stores and I thought I’d relay the info to you guys! Her content also revolves around thrift shopping and upcycling clothes so if that sounds interesting to you, I think visiting her channel would be helpful.
The Youtube video that inspired this article:
1. Depop

If you’re not new to online thrift shopping, you’ve most likely heard of Depop. It’s widely known and many influencers/creators use it. It’s an app/site where you can purchase products from sellers all over the world. The range of products here is WIDE, and you can almost find anything you’re looking for. The first time I got this app I didn’t really find anything I was interested in but after a week or so, I managed to find great pieces for good prices. Keep in mind that most of these products are second hand though some sellers do sell things that they’ve never used before. Some also sell original crafts, like handmade accessories and such. What I like the most about this app is that you can contact individual sellers about certain items, shipping, pricing, etc. The search engine is also really great as you can sort out whatever size or color you’re looking for and it makes the search process 10x easier.
This is the only one out of the three websites I’ll recommend that I’ve actually bought from. First I was hesitant to actually buy anything as I did hear that some sellers were not the best but I took a shot. The key is to buy from somebody who has great reviews and has listed shop policies. The buying process is easy, I asked the seller that I bought from about shipping since they were based in another country and I wanted to know about how international shipping worked for them. They answered and we had a small conversation about how everything worked. Then I placed my order (Depop takes paypal and credit/debit) and the thing was done. It was very easy and quick. The most useful thing to have when you interact with a seller is communication! It’s important to have communication as it prevents issues and problems from occurring after the buying process.
Overall, a pretty good place to thrift shop and find second hand things, don’t be discouraged if you can’t find anything that you don’t like. It takes some time to find good things, don’t rush it!

Thrift Heaven is a store run by Paul Cantu. The overall store is incredibly promising! The prices for the products are great and nothing seems out of its price range. I breezed through it and most of their products are some of the things you’ll find at another thrift website for double, even triple the price. I was interested in their jackets as the price range is from $20-$30 for authentic vintage stuff and I really liked the selection they had. They sell mostly tops, they have very few pants/bottom products so if you’re looking for jeans this probably isn’t the website for you.
The only downside I see in this store is that most of the things they have are sold out. They also don’t filter the things that are bought so it seems like the product is available, until you hover over it and the “SOLD OUT” sign pops up. But if you keep looking through the store you will be able to find items that haven’t been bought and those might be keen to your interests.
If they have a restock I’ll likely come back and see what they have lined up. I am not sure when they last restocked but if you want to keep up with the store, they have an Instagram @thriftheavenvintage .

Tunnel Vision is a small business based in LA ran by two friends. They source their vintage products from warehouses and resell it on their site. They also sell their own brands’ clothes along with their thrift finds. The layout of this site is so neat and organized and the products are displayed nicely. I really like the way they categorized their vintage products by era so it’s easy to find the look/vibe you’re going for.
I recommend this store if you are into the y2k style as they have a great selection of clothes that match the aesthetic. They have a wide range of products that they sell and you can find a lot of things on their website that might grab your interest.
The main downside to this store is that their products are pretty expensive. Of course it’s a small business so high prices are expected but their prices are on the same level as well known fast fashion stores like UNIF and Urban Outfitters.
I think that if you can afford their items without it denting your wallet, then it’s a great site as most of their products are trendy and fit the style era we’re in now. Otherwise if you’re someone like me who can’t spend more than $50 on a shirt then this store is not for you.
Their Instagram is @shoptunnelvision if you are interested in seeing some of their products modeled on influencers you might know of!
I hope these recommendations helped inspire you to visit some stores/sites and help you find whatever it is you’re looking for. But that is all I have for now and I hope you guys stay safe!
Thanks for these suggestions, I will for sure be looking into them:)