The pandemic has prevented us from doing things we would normally be doing right now, and it’s evident how much it impacts our lives. Ever since quarantine started, I had the yearning for traveling. Normally I would travel back to the Philippines during the summer to visit family, but last year I was unable to do that for obvious reasons.
Words can’t explain how much I miss being in an airport at 12 in the morning waiting to board a flight. The overall vibe and feeling of being in a plane was surreal and I have the urge to relive it again. Sadly the pandemic is nowhere close to ending so I will have to wait some time before I get to fly anywhere.
In the meanwhile I will stick to dreaming about flying to my dream vacation spots, and I thought I would share them with you guys.
1. Sicily, Italy

The first place I would want to visit is Sicily, Italy. I’ve always wanted to go to Italy because I admire the life and culture there. It’s such a beautiful country filled with amazing sights. One specific place I want to visit is the village of Corleone in Sicily. I am a huge fan of The Godfather and that place was featured in the movie, and like many others I fell in love with it from the first sight.
2. South Korea

I’ve always loved South Korea from the moment I started learning about it from Korean movies and shows. My admiration for Korea also grew when I started to watch vlogs from Korean Youtubers and their lives in cities like Seoul and Busan. One day I want to experience walking around in the outdoor malls and eating tteokbokki and eomuk from the many food stalls.
3. Nova Scotia, Canada

I feel like I’m one of the only people I know that hasn’t been to Canada and I am extremely envious of anyone who’s been there (I’m kidding). Nova Scotia is a region of Canada that caught my eye because of its captivating name. I’m also a fan of the movie The Lighthouse (2019) which was filmed in Nova Scotia and ever since I learned this I’ve been really interested in the place. It seems so serene and peaceful, and as a person who grew up in the city I want to go somewhere away from all the crowds and the noise.
And that’s all I have for this week! I hope you guys stay safe!