On August 17th, Eden Estrada (Eden the Doll), Jaslene White Rose, and Joslyn Flawless were brutally beaten, robbed, and humiliated in Hollywood. Their situation was revealed by Eden the Doll, who is a popular YouTuber, on her Instagram account. This occurrence is not a rare thing to happen for transgender women like Estrada, Rose, and Flawless, who are all Black and brown women. Many questioned the discrimination within the Black Lives Matter movement; do only cisgendered women and men who are Black matter? Are trans people and other LGBTQ+ people, not included in this movement for justice? All Black people deserve better, regardless of gender, religion, or sexuality; people are people. It is necessary to make space for all members of the community, to feel comfortable and have the opportunity to voice their opinions and experiences in life with others. Coming from a person who is not Black, it is not my place to state what is wrong and what is right with this movement; instead, I should educate myself on all the people who are being oppressed and silenced throughout history, and learn how society can uplift them. For more information on Black Trans Lives, read the article published by BBC News: https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-53192703, and read VOA News on LGBTQ+ Black Lives: https://www.voanews.com/student-union/blm-turns-inward-ask-about-lgbtq-bias

I could not agree more about this entire article. Thank you for bringing awareness to such an important topic. Black trans lives matter.