Meet The Team
QuaranTEEN Founders
Katie Kudriavtsev

f o u n d e r
Katie, a junior in high school, is one of the founders of QuaranTEEN. Katie is passionate about writing and sharing people's stories with the world. In her free time, she loves playing volleyball, reading books, and binge watching the latest Netflix shows.
Sarah Emberling

f o u n d e r
Sarah is the other founder of QuaranTEEN. She is also a junior in high school, and loves meeting new people and getting to hear about their experiences. She also loves theatre, making horrible puns, and eating as much soup as she can.
QuaranTEEN Board
Matthew Chen
operations manager
Matthew is a rising sophomore at Lowell High School in San Francisco, CA. Outside of school, he is also the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of SWAYE Media, and on the leadership board for many other organizations! Matthew is super passionate about music, business, and leadership! In his free time, he releases his own music on his YouTube Channel, Spotify, Apple Music, and more!
Adora Chen

s o c i a l m e d i a
Adora Chen is a rising senior at Los Gatos High School. She enjoys participating in many school clubs such as Interact and Model UN. She is also co-chair of the Rotary Vietnam Project, a nonprofit that raises money to fund educational scholarships for Vietnamese girls. In her free time, she enjoys hiking with her family and drawing.
Viktoria Sarmasi

o u t r e a c h / p r
Viki is a rising senior located in Palo Alto. In her free time, she enjoys biking to explore her surroundings, reading, being with her friends, and binge-watching TV shows.

Nadia Chlala-Lubbe
p e n p a l m a n a g e r
Nadia is a rising senior in high school. She enjoys spending her time gardening, writing, and constantly researching. She loves making connections with people through social media who have similar interests and likes studying psychology.
Hannah Forsythe

s o c i a l m e d i a
Hannah is a senior at Sparkman High School in Alabama. In her free time, she also writes for Courageous Curls Media and loves hanging out with her friends and family. After college, she hopes to help people in the best way possible- joining the United States Navy as an Surface Warfare Officer.
Alisha Zaman

o u t r e a c h / p r
Alisha is a rising senior from Los Angeles, CA. She has a strong passion for social justice, music, and helping others. When she’s not reading or listening to music, she loves to travel and go on little adventures, exploring everywhere she can
Elizabeth Kudriavtsev

v i d e o d i r e c t o r
Elizabeth is a junior in high school who loves creating different coffee recipes and bugging her cat in her free time. She is also an active astrology lady, and has a 15% success rate of guessing people's astrology signs.
Ivy Le

q u i z z e s d i r e c t o r
Ivy Le, a senior in high school, is one of the Quiz Managers of QuaranTEEN. In her free time, she can be found re-reading Harry Potter, binge watching Gossip Girl, and planning future travel trips. She hopes to make new friends and support and entertain others through QuaranTEEN’s quizzes!
QuaranTEEN Artists
Angela Guo

g r a p h i c d e s i g n e r
Angela is currently a junior in high school. In her free time, she likes to record covers and guitar tutorials, bake pies (or attempt to), and make Spotify playlists for her favorite books.

g r a p h i c d e s i g n e r
Yelena is a high school senior from the Bay Area with a passion for music and art. In her free time she can be found reading, writing, drawing, playing tennis, listening to music, or watching YouTube/Netflix.
Adya Joshi

g r a p h i c a r t i s t
Adya , is a 14 year old from Mumbai, India . She has a passion for art and calligraphy , loves using her creativity. She loves participating in debates, playing the piano , violin and singing . She binge watches Netflix shows and friends every now and then and loves having fun.
Aviana Boccio

g r a p h i c a r t i s t
Aviana Boccio is a Sophomore in High School who is passionate about way too much. She loves expression through all forms of art though she doesn’t really know what she’s doing in any of them. In her free time you’re likely to find her playing basketball, lacrosse, or D&D.
Jianne Marasign

g r a p h i c d e s i g n e r
Jianne Marasigan (you can call her Jia) is a simple 17-year old Filipina. Some of her interests include fashion, dogs, and her passion, music. She sings, plays guitar, and makes covers, and hopes someday to make her own music too. During her free time, she's either on Youtube or Netflix, or helping her mom w/ their online business, which is why she's been into graphic design and editing. She may not be an artist, but she has a good eye on layouts and visuals.
QuaranTEEN Blog Editors
Scott Brasesco

e d i t o r
Scott is a junior at Amherst College, who currently serves as Managing Opinion Editor at The Amherst Student. In high school, he founded and served as Editor-in-Chief at The Nueva Current, and he joined this project in order to support a new generation of high school students’ passion for writing and sharing their ideas with the world.
River Nelson

e d i t o r
River is currently a junior in high school. When she isn’t drowning in homework, her hobbies include late-night reading, writing poetry, trying to make her friends happy, and testing new recipes on her family.
Christina Ding

e d i t o r
Christina is a current high school junior and QuaranTEEN's blog editor. When she has the time, you can find her playing volleyball, running, and working on her accessible education initiative, ScienceNation.
Amber Campbell

e d i t o r
Amber is a rising senior from Illinois. During quarantine, she has made it her goal to do yoga, read everyday, and become vegan! While she loves all things STEM, she has a deep passion for writing and reading as well.
Remington Foust

b l o g w r i t e r
Remi is an avid bookworm and coins herself as a Bookworm Ballerina. She is the owner of Pirouettes.And.Pages blog and Bookstagram and is currently a junior in high school. Her favorite hobbies include battling her cuddly golden retriever and becoming a magical book goblin when a new book releases.
Blog Writers
Heading 1
Christina Ding
River Nelson

b l o g w r i t e r
b l o g w r i t e r
Christina is a current high school junior and QuaranTEEN's blog editor. When she has the time, she enjoys playing volleyball, running, and writing for her science blog, Discoveries and Demystifications.
River is currently a sophomore in high school. When she isn’t drowning in homework, her hobbies include late-night reading, writing poetry, trying to make her friends happy, and testing new recipes on her family.
Heading 1
Ummama Imran

Dia Dhariwal
b l o g w r i t e r
b l o g w r i t e r
Ummama is a sophomore from Karachi, Pakistan. She used to live in Italy (travel junkie) and loves computer science, reading, and writing poetry! She loves to learn and help out everyone.
Praguni Kumar
Dia is a junior in high school and loves trying new hobbies like writing, guitar, and painting.
Farrah Munawar

b l o g w r i t e r
Meet Praguni, born and raised in India. She’s passionate about writing, and you can find her either binge watching Netflix shows or studying business. She’s funny, talkative and friendly.

b l o g w r i t e r
Farrah is just your average fifteen year old making it through high school by cracking dad jokes and she’s a future cat lady in the making. She loves to read and write and hopes that she can share all the magic of reading and writing with you guys
Clementine Devaux

b l o g w r i t e r
Clementine enjoys being outside whether it's running, biking, skateboarding or working out. She loves playing volleyball and staying active but also loves learning new recipes for things to bake. She loves watching movies and adores her three cats.
Talia Ostacher

b l o g w r i t e r
Talia is currently a high school student in Palo Alto. When not writing for QuaranTEEN, she can be found working on her screenplay, mountain biking in the hills, playing her ukulele, or practicing her French skills. An activist at heart, Talia is dedicated to helping the world weather this crisis.
Neil Rustagi

b l o g w r i t e r
Neil is an incoming senior at Gunn High School who loves doing anything creative. Besides school, he loves dancing, playing most sports, doing almost anything creative (especially art). He is a Life-rank Boy Scout, and he speaks a bit of Spanish as well as Hindi. When he's not at school, he can be found tutoring or doing art commissions.
Riona Carrington

b l o g w r i t e r
Hi! I am Riona and I am euphoric to be apart of such a great organization. I love what we stand for and I hope to touch many lives and work with great people.
Maui Wabe

b l o g w r i t e r
Maui is an incoming high school junior for the 2020-2021 school year. She loves cheerleading, traveling, working out, hiking, and spending time with her family and friends!
Praveena Baskaran

b l o g w r i t e r
Praveena – or prav, for short – has been regarded as a crab by her friends; hard on the outside and soft on the inside. She is determination, drive, and daydreams packed into 5 feet and 0 inches. Always growing, she has a thirst for knowledge, and will always lend a shoulder and an ear to whoever needs it.
Priyanka Pulikeshi

b l o g w r i t e r
Priyanka is a student at Los Gatos High. She enjoys playing field hockey, reading, painting, sketching, and trying out (however questionable the results) new recipes! She also likes to listen to podcasts and music.

b l o g w r i t e r
Vsadygv is a college student currently studying computer engineering after having self taught himself computer science. He has a big interest in technology and everything with it, and hopes to spread a more widespread understanding of computers.
Ting Ting Li

b l o g w r i t e r
Ting Ting is a high school student in Maryland. She is a feminist and an activist. She is involved in many other organizations that help with advocacy such as New/Gen and AsiansLead. She is also a founder of AsianAdvocates. Some of her hobbies include dancing, playing the piano, softball, coding, reading, and writing.
Teyasa Jana

b l o g w r i t e r
Teyasa is 16 years old and has been a writer, a blogger and a counselor. She loves helping people regain the energy to reboot life, and she is always searching for an opportunity to bring light into dull lives.
Zedaan Ali

b l o g w r i t e r
Zedaan is an easy going person who sees a world full of opportunities. He loves Football (Soccer) and music. He likes to spend his time reading political controversies and loves murder mysteries. People don't regret knowing him :)
Yasmin Kettani

b l o g w r i t e r
Yasmin is a Blog Writer here at QuaranTEEN. She is a rising senior from Woodbridge Senior High School with a passion for Theatre, writing, and global studies. Yasmin is very excited to be on this team and write about a plethora of topics to entertain and educate our readers!
Catherine Maximous

b l o g w r i t e r
Catherine is a rising senior in Grover Cleveland Charter High school who is passionate about writing and helping others. Catherine loves to read different topics in her free time and aspires to be a pre-med major in the future! Fun fact about her is that she is fluent in Arabic!
Leah Gonzalez
b l o g w r i t e r
Leah is a city girl who loves the sun, beach days, coffee, and gardening. She loves using her voice when it comes to things she cares about, even if it means losing allies. She also loves making new friends and traveling!
Ananya Agrawal

b l o g w r i t e r
Ananya is a Student of grade 12 who is a passionate dancer, economist and loves to help the society around and bring about changes. She is keen in finance and would love to pursue this as her career in future. She loves to engage with the environment and do anything for the welfare of the society
Abbinaya Parakaran

b l o g w r i t e r
Abbinaya is an incoming high school junior. When not writing for QuaranTEEN, she can be found reading books, writing up fan fiction, or listening to podcasts. She hopes to inspire and create magic with her words:)
Nikita Searle

b l o g w r i t e r
Nikita is an 18 year old, aspiring Nurse from England. She enjoys writing poetry and performing spoken word on her instagram account @nikitawritespoetry. She's an activist/feminist and epilepsy advocate after being diagnosed at 15. She is currently learning hindi and loves to dance!
Sophia Noon

b l o g w r i t e r
Sophia is a high school senior from Islamabad, Pakistan. She has an affinity for both reading and writing, making horrible dad jokes, watching true crime documentaries and making her friends laugh.
Aarushi Pandey

b l o g w r i t e r
Aarushi is a 16 year old from Mumbai who loves to write and perform poetry, when she goes through writer’s block, she enjoys debating. She loves meeting new people and getting to know them and their life story, sometime in the future she aspires to be a neurologist.
Virika Shah

b l o g w r i t e r
Virika is a student from Mumbai who loves writing. She is also very passionate about ballet and loves spending time with friends in her free time!
Bishakha Khatri

b l o g w r i t e r
Bishakha is 14 years old who is very bubbly, weird, and kinda loud. She's responsible when she has to be but she also likes to joke around. Bishakha gets told she gives good advice and that she's smart. She is just trying to figure out who she is and just trying to be more positive in life.
Lesly Silva

b l o g w r i t e r
Lesly Silva is a rising senior at Orange Glen high school. She helps by reading and writing on our blog page. Her hobbies are playing basketball and painting. She loves helping others especially during this difficult time.
Nikita Sachdev

b l o g w r i t e r
Nikita loves writing and reading and planning other stuff. Her passion is being able to write to a larger crowd of people. She used to write a lot and she wants to continue writing because it makes her feel better in every area. She wants to help people to find their way through their rocky paths by just reading and writing. The languages she speaks are English, Hindi, Spanish and Dutch.
Elektra Raagaard

b l o g w r i t e r
Elektra Raagaard is a Danish girl who loves to be creative more than anything in the world! When she's not writing for QuaranTeen, she's drawing colourful faces, reading novels or rewatching Anne with an E.
Ivanna Milian

b l o g w r i t e r
Ivanna is a senior in high school from South Florida. She enjoys listening to music, hanging out with friends, playing with her dog, and binge watching any of her favorite shows. She is the president of her band and Science club and hopes to one day become an engineer for NASA.
Naomi Kutumalla

b l o g w r i t e r
Naomi Katumalla is a current junior in high school. She is currently in the PLTW Biomedical Sciences program which allows her to explore her interests in science. When she is not in the classroom, you can find her volunteering, tutoring, or blogging. For fun she enjoys listening to podcasts and classical music.
Omotara Akinsowon

b l o g w r i t e r
Omotara Akinsowon is a fairly experienced writer, blogger and computer programmer with a passion for learning new things and growing her expertise.She is also an Art Enthusiast and a Literature fan and loves promoting and teaching others about art and culture.
Maddy Fisher

b l o g w r i t e r
Maddy loves reading, she always has a book with her and loves exploring new places and kingdoms. She loves fantasy, YA, historical fiction, and romance. She also loves spending time with her family hiking. She is also an animal lover, and has a dog named Sadie. She wants to work in YA Book Publishing. She is also a triple threat.
Julia Paminiano

b l o g w r i t e r
Julia is a current senior attending high school in San Francisco. In her free time, she loves to dance, travel, video edit, and learn about fashion. She's also strongly passionate about music and you'll always find her with a pair of headphones on.
Mahdi El Bakkar

b l o g w r i t e r
Mahdi is 17 years old. He is a Moroccan student from Marrakech. He is passionated about writing, reading and Mathematics. Mahdi is an engaged youth who gives his best to make the youth voice's heard all over the world. Working with QuaranTEEN makes him excited and ready to give his best.
Adie Katzenelson

b l o g w r i t e r
Adie is a junior in high school. She loves theatre, baking, and binge watching enough Criminal Minds enough to make her paranoid at night.
Saoirse Larkin

b l o g w r i t e r
Saoirse is a 4th year student from Ireland. She enjoys expressing herself and others through her writing. Saoirse loves coffee, cats and visiting art museums. Her passions include writing, cooking and baking. She hopes to write a cook-book when she’s older.
Elizabeth Kudriavtsev

b l o g w r i t e r
Elizabeth is a junior in high school who loves creating different coffee recipes and bugging her cat.
Anika Holur

b l o g w r i t e r
Anika Holur is an incoming senior in Hinsdale, IL. She has lived in 3 different countries: Canada, India, and the United States, and can speak 3 different languages. She aspires to become a medical professional, but she is just as passionate about writing and poetry. At school, she is involved in various clubs such as Future Health Professionals and FCCLA.
Julianna Chang

b l o g w r i t e r
Julianna is an incoming junior in Palo Alto, California. When she's not reporting and editing layouts for her school newspaper, she loves hanging out with her puppy, rewatching Grey's Anatomy, and baking things she's too picky to eat. If she wasn't stuck at home, she'd be busy failing at new dives, slaving over school work, and eating açaí daily.
Hannah Forsythe

b l o g w r i t e r
Hannah is a Senior at Sparkman High School in Alabama. In her free time, she also writes for Courageous Curls Media and loves hanging out with her friends and family. After college, she hopes to help people in the best way possible- joining the United States Navy as an Surface Warfare Officer.
Rischa Chaurisa

b l o g w r i t e r
Risha Chaurasia is a teen author from India who published her own book at age 12. She loves writing and is an avid reader and quizzer. She speaks out for what she believes in and wants to inspire and empower people by the power of words.
Amber Campbell

b l o g w r i t e r
Amber is a rising senior from Illinois. During quarantine, she has made it her goal to do yoga, read everyday, and become vegan! While she loves all things STEM, she has a deep passion for writing and reading as well.
Alex McGinn

b l o g w r i t e r
Alex is a recent high school graduate from Hamilton, Ontario heading toward a bachelor's degree at the University of Guelph. In her spare time she enjoys reading, writing articles and to her penpals, collecting postcards, catching up with friends, and listening to music.
Anshika Sharma

b l o g w r i t e r
Anshika is a 17 year old girl currently enrolled in 12th grade. She likes to explore many things and try to finesse everything that she does. her passion towards writing flourished atba tender age .She can instigate debates on political issues and Is also a trained indian classical dancer! In her free time she likes to break a sweat in the kitchen and come up with a delicacy .
Hidaya Mansour

b l o g w r i t e r
Hidaya Mansour is a rising senior who is passionate about reading, writing, and humanitarian efforts. She is currently writing informative posts on current global issues, while also improving her language skills to further allow her to connect with others.
Sanvi Jain

b l o g w r i t e r
Introducing Sanvi Jain, A avid reader and an enthusiastic volunteer that is ready to write for our teen blog after giving enormous advices to her friends. Her caring nature towards the society can be seen through her participation with non- profit organisations. She is hardworking and also a dancer.
Surbhi Mehta

b l o g w r i t e r
This is Surbhi Mehta, she is a writer at QuaranTEEN. She has a great passion for writing and wants to raise awareness for rather necessary topics that need to be heard and acknowledged. She is a great writer and person in general.
Viktoria Sarmasi

b l o g w r i t e r
Viki is a rising senior located in Palo Alto. In her free time, she enjoys biking to explore her surroundings, reading, being with her friends, and binge-watching TV shows.
Elizabeth Insuasti

b l o g w r i t e r
Elizabeth Insuasti is a rising sophomore from Florida. She is an academically focused and driven student. Additionally, she is passionate about social change, literature, film, and law. She is involved in her community, volunteering at numerous non-profit organizations she believes in. She loves to watch movies, listen to music, write, and read.
Nicole Almonia

b l o g w r i t e r
Nicole Almonia is a grade 11 for the 2020-2021 school year. She commits several hours a week creating reading videos for children and parents on our platform. She also writes interesting and fascinating teen/parent blogs posted on our blog post.
Umra Fatima

b l o g w r i t e r
Umra lives in the famously called " City of Joy- Kolkata" which is a capital city in India. She is a staunch feminist and a believer of "self-love is the utmost love". She likes to dance in front of the mirror and paint her nails and daydream. Umra aspires to be a youth representative for India at UN.
Gaby Del Rosario

b l o g w r i t e r
Gaby is a Latina born and raised in Panama and incoming freshman at the University of Notre Dame. She likes reading 4+ books at a time, watching The Office, making to-do lists, and drinking too much iced coffee. When not working for QuaranTEEN, you can find her trying to learn Italian or hanging out with her dog!
Anastasia Ledyaeva
b l o g w r i t e r
Anastasia is a rising sophomore from Russia who currently lives in the USA. When she isn't nudging her procrastination with a stick, she adores writing, singing, performing in theatre, and making her friends feel loved. Her vices are historical films and hugs – and she hopes to be remembered someday.
Calista Lee

b l o g w r i t e r
Calista is a senior in high school from Washington! In her free time she loves doing small community service projects and spending time with friends family. She loves all things fashion, fitness and making a difference. A fun fact about her is that she is a black belt in karate.
Nathalie Paulino

b l o g w r i t e r
Nathalie will be a sophomore in high school this year, and uses she/her pronouns. She loves to read and write, as well as spend lots of time contemplating the wonders of the universe. On occasion she likes to bake scones, and often forgets to water her plants.
Jovita Thoras

b l o g w r i t e r
Jovita is a high schooler from Mumbai, India. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she hopes to inspire young minds and help people, in the global pandemic. She has been a blog writer for the past few years, and has a great passion to read and write. She is super excited to be apart of QuaranTEEN!
Suhani Nathumal

b l o g w r i t e r
Suhani , also known as Suh, is a bubbly teenager living in the Caribbean. You will almost always find her buried in homework and tests, reading, watching Netflix, or tanning at the beach! She loves dancing, art, and any water related activities. Her passion for writing and music increases a little bit more each day!
Remington Foust

b l o g w r i t e r
Remi is an avid bookworm and coins herself as a Bookworm Ballerina. She is the owner of Pirouettes.And.Pages blog and Bookstagram and is currently a junior in high school. Her favorite hobbies include battling her cuddly golden retriever and becoming a magical book goblin when a new book releases.
Abby Usher

b l o g w r i t e r
Abby Usher is a high school senior from DeLand, Florida. She loves to read, and she loves to work with children. She’s been a member of her school’s Book Club for three years, and is always seeking opportunities to read. She wishes to share her love of reading with others.
Eva Sernas

blog writer
Eva Sernas is a sixteen year old teen from IL! She loves dancing, making friends, reading books, and spreading awareness about mental health. Her biggest joy is to see those around her happy. She is passionate about learning, loving, and growing.
Christine Ly

blog writer
Christine is a 17 year old from Sacramento, California. She is currently a senior in high school, soon to graduate with class of 2021. Her hobbies include dancing, trying out new foods, and watching movies. She is always open to making new friends and hopes to reach out her community, which includes you!
Stephanie Galima

blog writer
Stephanie is a freshman at La Sierra University in Riverside, California. She is majoring in psychology and is planning to become a school psychologist. Her passion for reading and writing parallels her love for baking, embroidery, and playing guitar. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, and her celebrity crush is Shawn Mendes.
Ummama Imran

r e a d e r
Ummama is a sophomore from Karachi, Pakistan. She used to live in Italy (travel junkie) and loves computer science, reading, and writing poetry! She loves to learn and help out everyone.
Clementine Devaux

r e a d e r
Clementine enjoys being outside whether it's running, biking, skateboarding or working out. She loves playing volleyball and staying active but also loves learning new recipes for things to bake. She loves watching movies and adores her three cats.
Nicole Almonia

Nicole Almonia is a grade 11 for the 2020-2021 school year. She commits several hours a week creating reading videos for children and parents on our platform. She also writes interesting and fascinating teen/parent blogs posted on our blog post.
Aarushi Pandey

Aarushi is a 16 year old from Mumbai who loves to write and perform poetry, when she goes through writer’s block, she enjoys debating. She loves meeting new people and getting to know them and their life story, sometime in the future she aspires to be a neurologist.
Johevah Cobby

Johevah is a rising senior in high school in Ontario, Canada. She is the student body co-president and is on her schools hip-hop dance team, Afro dance team and varsity girls rugby team. In her spare time, she enjoys singing, writing poetry and music and bingeing Netflix and is passionate about social change and social justice.
Gabi Del Rosario

Meet Gaby, a Latina born and raised in Panama and incoming freshman at the University of Notre Dame. She likes reading 4+ books at a time, watching The Office, making to-do lists, and drinking too much iced coffee. When not working for QuaranTEEN, you can find her trying to learn Italian or hanging out with her dog!
Ivanna Milian

Ivanna is a senior in high school from South Florida. She enjoys listening to music, hanging out with friends, playing with her dog, and binge watching any of her favorite shows. She is the president of her band and Science club and hopes to one day become an engineer for NASA.
Jovita Thoras

Jovita is a high schooler from Mumbai, India. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she hopes to inspire young minds and help people, in the global pandemic. She has been a blog writer for the past few years, and has a great passion to read and write. She is super excited to be apart of QuaranTEEN!
Abby Usher

Abby Usher is a high school senior from DeLand, Florida. She loves to read, and she loves to work with children. She’s been a member of her school’s Book Club for three years, and is always seeking opportunities to read. She wishes to share her love of reading with others.
Daniel Saliba

Daniel Saliba is a current high school senior! He is 17 years old and his family is from Brazil. While having a passion for music, Daniel part of the band in his school. He holds a leader position as saxophone section leader. His hobbies include drawing, baking, and gardening. He has a strong passion for helping others and making the world a better, and safer, place!
Dayanara Gamez

Dayanara is a Energetic teen with an anamoration of coffee. She loves to hang out with her friends and spends her free time volunteering. She considers herself a well-rounded person and loves to travel. She is also on her school's volleyball team and spends a lot of her energy trying to improve. You are most likely to find her at the mall (her natural habitat). She is most excited to be apart of the QuaranTEEN team!
Christine Ly

Christine is a 17 year old from Sacramento, California. She is currently a senior in high school, soon to graduate with class of 2021. Her hobbies include dancing, trying out new foods, and watching movies. She is always open to making new friends and hopes to reach out her community, which includes you!
Ting Ting Li

r e a d e r
Ting Ting is a high school student in Maryland. She is a feminist and an activist. She is involved in many other organizations that help with advocacy such as New/Gen and AsiansLead. She is also a founder of AsianAdvocates. Some of her hobbies include dancing, playing the piano, softball, coding, reading, and writing.
Priyanka Pulikeshi

r e a d e r
Priyanka is a student at Los Gatos High. She enjoys playing field hockey, reading, painting, sketching, and trying out (however questionable the results) new recipes! She also likes to listen to podcasts and music.
Fabiana Romain

r e a d e r
Fabiana Romain is a 15-year-old girl from Peru. In her free time, Fabiana loves dancing and taking part of MUN conferences. Once she graduates from high school, she wants to further her studies in England.
Ari Figueroa

Ari is a sophomore from Texas. When she's not in her room reading, she enjoys watching reruns of Friends, listening to Conan Gray, and playing with her dog. She hopes to have career in medicine and continues to relearn the same 10 French words she knows when she gets inspired once a year.
Nini Nguyen

Nini Nguyen is a senior at Naaman Forest High School and plays for their varsity tennis team. Nini is trying to study to become a pathology assistant in the future. Nini enjoys talking with and helping other people in any way she can. In her free time she enjoys watching movies, reading and listening to music.
Lesly Silva

Lesly Silva is a rising senior at Orange Glen high school. She helps by reading and writing on our blog page. Her hobbies are playing basketball and painting. She loves helping others especially during this difficult time.
Medha Saxina

Medha is a rising junior in Massachusetts. She loves boxing and sailing and is always eager to learn something new. She is super excited to be apart of QuaranTEEN and is excited to see where it leads towards.
Jada Tellez

Jada (or Jade) is a very optimistic person. She loves kids and loves helping them learn new words and languages. She also adores reading and is super excited to be apart of an organization like QuaranTEEN!
Annalis Molina-Aced

Hello! My name is Annalis and I am 16 years old. I attend Alameda high school and love to dance, cook and make friends! I am super excited to be apart of an organization of QuaranTEEN and can't wait to see where it takes me!
Isabelle Gonzalez

Isabelle is a senior at Pembroke Pines Charter High School. In her free time she loves to read, practice the flute, and spend time with her little sisters and dog! Isabelle enjoys spending time with little ones, and she looks forward to reading through this program!
Eva Sernas

Eva Sernas is a sixteen year old teen from IL! She loves dancing, making friends, reading books, and spreading awareness about mental health. Her biggest joy is to see those around her happy. She is passionate about learning, loving, and growing.
Stephanie Galima

Stephanie is a freshman at La Sierra University in Riverside, California. She is majoring in psychology and is planning to become a school psychologist. Her passion for reading and writing parallels her love for baking, embroidery, and playing guitar. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, and her celebrity crush is Shawn Mendes.
Navya Ghosh

Navya is currently a junior in high school. She has a keen interest in reading and writing and would love for people to be able to express themselves creatively in this field. She is an aspiring economist who wishes to bring about financial literacy and also help in the upliftment of the underprivileged. She is a big foodie and therefore loves cooking and baking! She is also passionate about dancing.
Event Coordinators
Praguni Kumar

event coordinator
Meet Praguni, born and raised in India. She’s passionate about writing, and you can find her either binge watching Netflix shows or studying business. She’s funny, talkative and friendly.
Lehar Marata

event coordinator
Lehar is a resident in the Caribbean. She loves serving the community, learning new things, and meeting new people. Her hobbies are swimming, dancing, eating, and sleeping.
Alina Li

event coordinator
Alina Li is a sophomore at Gunn High School. She loves sewing, eating, cooking, reading, fitness, and coding. Alina is super excited to be an event coordinator for QuaranTEEN and she can't wait for everyone to see what she has in store for the teen events!
Yasmin Kattani

event coordinator
Yasmin is a Blog Writer and event coordinator here at QuaranTEEN. She is a rising senior from Woodbridge Senior High School with a passion for Theatre, writing, and global studies. Yasmin is very excited to be on this team and write about a plethora of topics to entertain and educate our readers!
Marie-Claire Murphy

event coordinator
Marie-Claire is a 16 year old junior in high school. She enjoys dancing at her hometown studio and is co-captain on her high school’s dance team. She balances school and dance very well and has maintained straight A’s throughout all of high school so far. She is passionate about helping others and values education greatly.
Angela Guo

event coordinator
Angela is currently a junior in high school. In her free time, she likes to record covers and guitar tutorials, bake pies (or attempt to), and make Spotify playlists for her favorite books.
Bishakha Khatri

event coordinator
Bishakha is 14 years old who is very bubbly, weird, and kinda loud. She's responsible when she has to be but she also likes to joke around. Bishakha gets told she gives good advice and that she's smart. She is just trying to figure out who she is and just trying to be more positive in life.
Veronica Tadross

event coordinator
Veronica is a senior at Kellenberg Memorial H.S and a passionate advocate for women. She's the Founder of the Bipartisan Feminist Project and editor of a blog about social justice issues in her community. She is a member of her high school’s debate team and is very interested in psychology and politics. On the Quaranteam, she looks forward to contributing to a generation that can get behind and achieve social change.
Aubrey Ivanna

event coordinator
Ivanna Dela Cruz is a college sophomore from the Philippines. She is a broadcasting major. She started as a campus journalist when she was in fifth grade. Eventually, she became the Editor-in-Chief at her high school newspaper. Aside from writing, her interests also include Law, Literature, History and Forensic Science. She aspires to be a lawyer someday!
Charleen Chen

event coordinator
Charleen Chen is a current sophomore that resides in California. She is apart of several clubs in school, such as Interact and even outside organizations, like her city's teen-led organization, DB4Youth. She enjoys connecting with her peers and making new friends through multiple social media platforms.
Angelica Rae Edillo

event coordinator
Angelica Rae Edillo is in her senior year at St. Dominic High School. Her hobbies are knitting, playing musical instruments, drawing and other creative endeavors. She's looking forward to sharing her knitting skills with all of you!
Sidney Tran

event coordinator
Sidney is a high school senior in Dublin, California. She loves traveling, photography, arts & crafts, running, playing Minecraft, and meetings lots of new people! Her comfort food is noodles and she gets very excited when someone asks if they want to get boba with her.